genesig Real-time PCR detection kit for Reston ebola virus |
Z-Path-RESTV |
Novacyt Group |
150 tests |
EUR 808 |
Description: RESTV |
Ebola Pcr Laboratories manufactures the real time pcr kit for ebola reagents distributed by Genprice. The Real Time Pcr Kit For Ebola reagent is RUO (Research Use Only) to test human serum or cell culture lab samples. To purchase these products, for the MSDS, Data Sheet, protocol, storage conditions/temperature or for the concentration, please contact Ebola PCR. Other Real products are available in stock. Specificity: Real Category: Time Group: Pcr Kit
genesig Real-time PCR detection kit for AlDV |
Novacyt Group |
150 tests |
EUR 808 |
Description: AlDV |
genesig Real-time PCR detection kit for blaGES |
Novacyt Group |
150 tests |
EUR 808 |
Description: blaGES |
genesig Real-time PCR detection kit for blaIMP |
Novacyt Group |
150 tests |
EUR 808 |
Description: blaIMP |
genesig Real-time PCR detection kit for blaKPC |
Novacyt Group |
150 tests |
EUR 808 |
Description: blaKPC |
genesig Real-time PCR detection kit for blaVIM |
Novacyt Group |
150 tests |
EUR 808 |
Description: blaVIM |
genesig Real-time PCR detection kit for ASFV |
Novacyt Group |
150 tests |
EUR 808 |
Description: ASFV |
genesig Real-time PCR detection kit for Aspergillus |
Novacyt Group |
150 tests |
EUR 808 |
Description: Asp |
Pcr Kit information
genesig Real time PCR Species specific kit for A.graveolens |
Z-Path-SS-A.graveolens |
Novacyt Group |
100 tests |
EUR 602 |
Description: A.graveolens |
genesig Real time PCR Species specific kit for C.familiaris |
Z-Path-SS-C.familiaris |
Novacyt Group |
100 tests |
EUR 602 |
Description: C.familiaris |
Monkeypox Virus Real Time PCR Kit |
PDPS-AR064 |
Creative Biogene |
1 unit |
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Description: Creative Biogene Monkeypox Virus Real Time PCR Kit is used for the detection of monkeypox Virus in serum or lesion exudate samples by using real time PCR systems. Monkeypox virus (MPV) is a double-stranded DNA, zoonotic virus and a species of the genus Orthopoxvirus in the family Poxviridae. It is one of the human orthopoxviruses that includes variola (VARV), cowpox (CPX), and vaccinia (VACV) viruses. The kit contains a specific ready-to-use system for the detection of the monkeypox Virus. Fluorescence is emitted and measured by the real time systems' optical unit during the PCR. |
VetAlert Johnes Real Time PCR Kit |
TC-9828-100 |
Tetracore |
100 rxns |
EUR 460 |
Monkeypox Virus Real Time PCR Kit |
YJC70115NW-25T |
Jiangsu Bioperfectus Technologies |
25 tests/kit |
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Description: The Bioperfectus Monkeypox Virus Real Time PCR Kit is an in vitro diagnostic test, based on real-time PCR technology, for the detection of DNA from the Monkeypox virus. Specimens can be obtained from human serum, lesion exudate samples and scab. BSL-2 facilities with standard BSL-2 work practices may be used for the test of t he Monkeypox virus. |
Monkeypox Virus Real Time PCR Kit |
ZD-0076-01 |
Gentaur Genprice |
25 tests/kit |
Ask for price |
Description: Monkeypox virus is the virus that causes the disease monkeypox in both humans and animals. Monkeypox virus is an Orthopoxvirus, a genus of the family Poxviridae that contains other viral species that target mammals. The virus is mainly found in tropical rainforest regions of central and West Africa. The primary route of infection is thought to be contact with the infected animals or their bodily fluids. The genome is not segmented and contains a single molecule of linear double-stranded DNA, 185000 nucleotides long. The Monkeypox Virus real time PCR Kit contains a specific ready-to-use system for the detection of the Monkeypox Virusthrough polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in the real-time PCR system. The master contains reagents and enzymes for the specific amplification of the Monkeypox Virus DNA. Fluorescence is emitted and measured by the real time systems ́ optical unit during the PCR. The detection of amplified Monkeypox Virus DNA fragment is performed in fluorimeter channel 530nm with the fluorescent quencher BHQ1. DNA extraction buffer is available in the kit and serum or lesion exudate samples are used for the extraction of the DNA. In addition, the kit contains a system to identify possible PCR inhibition by measuring the 560nm fluorescence of the internal control (IC). An external positive control defined as 1×10^7 copies/ml is supplied which allow the determination of the gene load. |
Monkeypox Virus Real Time PCR Kit |
ZD-0076-02 |
Gentaur Genprice |
25 tests/kit |
Ask for price |
Description: Monkeypox virus is the virus that causes the disease monkeypox in both humans and animals. Monkeypox virus is an Orthopoxvirus, a genus of the family Poxviridae that contains other viral species that target mammals. The virus is mainly found in tropical rainforest regions of central and West Africa. The primary route of infection is thought to be contact with the infected animals or their bodily fluids.The genome is not segmented and contains a single molecule of linear double-stranded DNA, 185000 nucleotides long.The Monkeypox Virus real time PCR Kit contains a specific ready-to-use system for the detection of the Monkeypox Virusthrough polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in the real-time PCR system. The master contains reagents and enzymes for the specific amplification of theMonkeypox VirusDNA. Fluorescence is emitted and measured by the real time systems ́ optical unit during the PCR. The detection of amplified Monkeypox Virus DNA fragment is performed in fluorimeter channelFAM with the fluorescent quencher BHQ1. DNA extraction buffer is available in the kit and serum or lesion exudate samples are used for the extraction of the DNA. In addition, the kit contains a system to identify possible PCR inhibition by measuring the HEX/VIC/JOE fluorescence of the internal control (IC). An external positive control defined as 1×107copies/ml is supplied which allow the determination of the gene load. |
HBV Quantitative Real Time PCR Kit |
GWB-LRB013 |
GenWay Biotech |
25 tests |
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HBV Quantitative Real Time PCR Kit |
GWB-LRB014 |
GenWay Biotech |
25 tests |
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Poliovirus Real-TM
Real Time PCR kit for detection and typing of Poliovirus |
V58-50FRT |
Sacace Biotechnologies |
50 |
EUR 996.26 |
Toxoplasma Gondii Real Time PCR Kit |
GWB-LRB049 |
GenWay Biotech |
25 tests |
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Toxoplasma Gondii Real Time PCR Kit |
GWB-LRB050 |
GenWay Biotech |
25 tests |
Ask for price |