
A cysteine protease responsible for triggering anaphase by hydrolysing cohesin


Biofire Multi Pcr Assay Respiratory

Porcine reproductive and Respiratory syndrome virus PCR kit

PCR-V126-48R 50T
EUR 987.6

Human IgG antibody Laboratories manufactures the biofire multi pcr assay respiratory reagents distributed by Genprice. The Biofire Multi Pcr Assay Respiratory reagent is RUO (Research Use Only) to test human serum or cell culture lab samples. To purchase these products, for the MSDS, Data Sheet, protocol, storage conditions/temperature or for the concentration, please contact respiratory assay. Other Biofire products are available in stock. Specificity: Biofire Category: Multi Group: Pcr Assay

Porcine reproductive and Respiratory syndrome virus One-Step PCR kit

EUR 1410

Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus Real-time PCR kit

EUR 200
Description: Blood, tissue, feed and environmental swabs

Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus Real-time PCR kit

EUR 150
Description: Blood, tissue, feed and environmental swabs

VAHTS AmpSeq Multi-PCR Module V2

24 rxn
EUR 291.6

VAHTS AmpSeq Multi-PCR Module V2

96 rxn
EUR 807.6

VAHTS AmpSeq Multi-PCR Module V3

6 rxns
EUR 1.09

VAHTS AmpSeq Multi-PCR Module V3

24 rxns
EUR 60

Pcr Assay information

Respiratory syncytial virus One-Step PCR kit

Oneq-H443-150R 150T
EUR 2646

Respiratory syncytial virus One-Step PCR kit

Oneq-H443-50R 50T
EUR 1410

Mitochondrial Respiratory Chain Complex V (F0F1-ATPase /ATP Synthase) Assay Kit

abx295098-100g 100 µg Ask for price

Mitochondrial Respiratory Chain Complex V (F0F1-ATPase /ATP Synthase) Assay Kit

abx295098-20g 20 µg
EUR 537.5

Mitochondrial Respiratory Chain Complex V (F0F1-ATPase /ATP Synthase) Assay Kit

abx295098-50g 50 µg Ask for price

Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (UpE) RT PCR kit

RTq-VH597-100R 100T
EUR 1573.2

Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (UpE) RT PCR kit

RTq-VH597-150R 150T
EUR 2144.4

Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (UpE) RT PCR kit

RTq-VH597-50R 50T
EUR 1155.6

Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (orf1a) RT PCR kit

RTq-VH598-100R 100T
EUR 1573.2

Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (orf1a) RT PCR kit

RTq-VH598-150R 150T
EUR 2144.4

Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (orf1a) RT PCR kit

RTq-VH598-50R 50T
EUR 1155.6

Middle East Respiratory Syndrome One-Step PCR kit

Oneq-VH321-100R 100T
EUR 1932

Middle East Respiratory Syndrome One-Step PCR kit

Oneq-VH321-150R 150T
EUR 2646

Middle East Respiratory Syndrome One-Step PCR kit

Oneq-VH321-50R 50T
EUR 1410

Bovine respiratory syncytial virus One-Step PCR kit

Oneq-V230-100R 100T
EUR 1932

Bovine respiratory syncytial virus One-Step PCR kit

Oneq-V230-150R 150T
EUR 2646

Bovine respiratory syncytial virus One-Step PCR kit

Oneq-V230-50R 50T
EUR 1410
February 2025


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